So, this is kind of cool. I’ve recently came across this site: It’s an in-browser IDE/development environment. This would be really cool for people on the go or those who do not have their own computer or internet access (yes, I do know a few people without computers who expressed interest in learning computer programming; and no, they couldn’t just “get a computer”, especially the one who was homeless at the time). With something like this, you would be able to develop from any computer, even those in the library.

This would also be a great teaching tool, especially since they do have a free plan. A friend of mine who used to teach coding in the local community college once told me that it’s a huge pain to set all those workstations up with the right tools installed on them. No need for that here. Should run in any browser.

I’ll definitely be checking this out and possibly using it in any tutorials I decide to publish.


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